About me

I am a PhD candidate at the People and Robots Laboratory at the Computer Sciences Department of University of Wisconsin-Madison, advised by Bilge Mutlu. I received my PhD minor in Human Development and Family Studies, MS degree in Cognitive Science (‘20) from Middle East Technical University and a BS degree in Computer Science (‘18) from Bilkent University. I take an interdisciplinary lens in my research, with the intersection of computer science, cognitive science, social robotics, design, and family studies.

Research Interests

In my research, I take a family-centered approach to develop design requirements for social companion robots tailored to the needs and preferences of children and families. Through qualitative and design-based research, I study user interactions and explore how these technologies can be used to improve families’ lives, facilitate routines, and support connections.

Research Themes

1) Exploring families’ preferences for social robots (e.g., in-home robots as reading companions, for caretaking, as homework assistants)

2) Developing design requirements for social robots (e.g., unboxing experiences, emotion design)

3) Studying family interactions with an in-home social robot (e.g., Misty robot platform as a reading companion home deployment)

4) Forming theoretical knowledge from interdisciplinary insights (e.g., Family Theories in Human-Robot Interaction, Toward Family-Robot Interactions)

Talks and Selected Publications

Selected Publications

My YouTube Playlist of Paper Talks

Highlighted Milestones

May 12, 2024: Hosted a full-day workshop at CHI2024 focusing on “Methods for Family-Centered Design” Check out our workshop here!

March 11, 2024 Attended HRI PIONEERS Workshop 2024 Cohort and presented my full-paper “Toward Family-Robot Interactions: A Family-Centered Framework in HRI”

Jan 11, 2024 Presented my research at the Talking Robotics Webinar #69 titled “Robots and Routines: Exploring the Future of Social Robots in Family Life”

Dec 4, 2023: Proposed my thesis and advanced to the status of PhD Candidacy.

Nov 17, 2023: Presented my research as an invited speaker at the CS Colloqium at University of Iowa, Rising Stars in HCI

Jun 22, 2023: Presented my recent work at IDC2023, Chicago (Full Paper: Homework Companion Robot Short Paper: Family Theories in HRI )

Jun 19, 2023: Hosted a half-day workshop at IDC2023 on Family-Centered Interaction Design

May 26, 2023: Passed my qualifying examination focusing on a literature review for “Social Robots for Families”

April 23, 2023: Attended the Doctoral Consortium at CHI2023, Hamburg.